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 wellcome to the official main channal of gkstudy we have a collection of all gkstudy  here watch for more.

Everyday government jobs in various sectors like railways, banks, police, army etc. keep coming out in the country.  For which lakhs of people apply and prepare for the exam and also give the exam.  But there are only a few people who pass the exam and get selected for a government job.  Many people are not able to get government due to which they get frustrated.  There can be many reasons for people who are not able to get government jobs.  One of the reasons for which is also that he either did not work hard or there was a lack in his knowledge somewhere.

 To get a government job and pass in the exam, it is most important to increase your general knowledge level.  Out of all the topics asked in the exam for government jobs, GK (General Knowledge) is the one topic that can lift a candidate in the exam.  If you want to get ahead of others then it is important that you have a good hold on the subject of General Knowledge.  Keeping in mind all of you candidates, we have given some important questions of current affairs for you in this article.  These GK questions are related to Daily Current Affairs, which by reading and remembering will help you a lot in the exam.  Now you can read daily current affairs questions from this page of ours.

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